How to Request 住宿

STEP 1: Log Into MCC’S Counseling, Disability & 卫生服务 Portal Using Your MCC Email Address and Password

MCC Counseling, Disability & 卫生服务 Portal

  • Once logged into the portal click on the "Request 住宿" button.
  • The Survey/Questionnaire screen will open and within this page click on the “Request for Services and 住宿 Form”.

STEP 2: Complete the Request for Services & Accommodation form and submit supporting documentation

  • Documentation must be written by a licensed or credentialed examiner. Examples of documentation include a Full Psychological Evaluation/Diagnostic Report, Individualized Education Plan (IEP), 504年计划, 听力图, Speech Language Evaluation, and/ or Medical Letter/Report (on letterhead).
  • Due to the interactive nature of any request for accommodation, students are encouraged to provide as much relevant information and documentation to help support all requests for services.
  • Documentation is reviewed in the order received. Therefore, all requests should be made at least 30 days in advance of the need.
  • 注意: Disability Services is the designated office for determining accommodations for the Accuplacer (Placement Test).

After each request for accommodations has been reviewed, the student will be notified that they have a message awaiting to be read in the portal.  This message notifies the student how to schedule an intake appointment. 

How to Schedule a Disability Services Intake Appointment

注意: Steps 1 and 2 must be completed before proceeding any further.

Step 3: Schedule an Intake Appointment  

  • After a student's request for accommodations has been reviewed, the student will receive two communications via the portal:
    • Messages: this message provides steps on how to schedule an intake appointment.
    • Appointments: click the link titled " Disability Registration Appointment for 1 visit" and follow the prompts to schedule your intake appointment. 

  • Students are encouraged to follow up with the office if they have not received any correspondence via the portal or by phone after three weeks from the initial submission of the request for services. 


  • During an intake, an interactive meeting occurs between the student and Disability Counselor to develop an Academic Accommodation Letter.  Each meeting includes the following topics:
    • Request for accommodation(s),
    • Disability documentation submitted,
    • Identify the limitations/barriers,
    • Review policies and procedures,
    • Complete required paperwork,
    • Review available 支持/resources external to the department

  • At the conclusion of the appointment, the student is provided with necessary information including, but not limited to their Academic Accommodation Letter, importance of communication, 支持, 等.